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Tarte Tatin with caramelised endives and Roquefort cheese.
Tarte Tatin aux endives caramélisées et roquefort.


Number of people : 10
List of ingredients :
Vegetables :
- Endives: 2 kg
Cheese :
- Roquefort cheese: 200g
Patisserie :
- Shortcrust pastry: 500g
Sugar :
- Sugar: 100g
Dairy products :
- Butter: 100g

Costs (ratio)

- Endive, 2kg, €4
- Roquefort, 200g, €3
- Shortcrust pastry, 500g, €2
- Sugar, 100g, €0.10
- Butter, 100g, €0.80
Total cost: €9.90
Cost per person: €0.99
Recommended retail price: €4


Total active time : 1 hour
Total passive time : 30 minutes

Preparing the endives (20 min active / 10 min passive) :
- Endives, sugar, butter
- Cut the endives in half lengthways and fry in a pan with the butter. Sprinkle with the sugar and leave to caramelise over a low heat for around 10 minutes. Leave to cool.
- You'll need a frying pan.

Preparing the dough (15 min active / 0 min passive) :
- Shortcrust pastry
- Roll out the shortcrust pastry on a floured work surface, then line a tart tin with the pastry.
- Use a rolling pin and a pie tin.

Assembling the tart (15 min active / 20 min passive) :
- Caramelised endives, Roquefort cheese, shortcrust pastry
- Arrange the caramelised endives on the pastry and sprinkle with the crumbled Roquefort. Bake at 180°C for around 20 minutes, until the tart is golden brown.
- An oven is required.


- Cut the tart into ten equal parts.
- Serve each slice on an individual plate.
- Arrange a little crumbled Roquefort cheese on top for an extra touch.

Nutritional information and advice

- Calories per portion: 300
- Lactose
- Gluten

Techniques: To caramelise the endives evenly, turn them regularly in the pan.
Presentation: For a more attractive presentation, you can add a few leaves of rocket next to the slice of tart.
Hygiene : Make sure you wash the endives well before using them and keep the Roquefort in a cool place.

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